The HBCU Experience
In 2005, I took a college tour which consisted of HBCUs in Virginia, DC, Maryland, and Delaware. I originally had my mind set on a particular university but it was the moment I arrived at Norfolk State University that I felt at home. From the atmosphere to the campus all the way down to the tour guide, I knew I had changed my mind and was ready to apply to my home away from home. I was not fully set on a major but I knew that would soon come. I was just excited to return home with having made a decision on an university. I remember first arriving to Virginia weeks before school for orientation. Not knowing anyone and being nervous as I was coming all the way from Chicago, I didn’t know what to expect. But it was my mother who broke the ice. I will never forget her walking up to a group of girls saying “This is my daughter Ciera, she doesn’t know anyone here and needs friends.” I was slightly embarrassed but not in shock. I truly could not, and can not, be mad at my mother, seeing as though those group of girls and me are still friends to this day. We are more than friends. We went from riding on the shuttle to the mall every Saturday morning, meeting up for soul food at the cafe, and partying at Echols. To standing by each other in weddings, attending long distance baby showers, and game nights over zoom. Norfolk State University built bonds that no other school could do besides an HBCU. It truly was…the HBCU experience!